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JianShe side trivial, stretch in the heart of yearning

This year the second "ten best school teachers", I was one of 15 commended entrants. I don't have the contestant. Someone asked me why not to participate in the competition-yes, before what honor I school is in charge, so that I become school before KaiPing "title," the "grand slam".

I smile, a smile that I spent 36 years time. Not despise, I was the first ten best; Not afraid, I choose not in changsha city is backbone teachers; Not negative, I this year's education teaching achievement is very excellent. I feel oneself had-actually I know, still writing such words, was not enough to explain that he had. But this is my life of the iconic liuyang tiger event: I will more and more of an indifferent to, and this will take time, and after that I will tell yourself let heart sinks down, calm down, slow down. Let "sees" in my the later days become a habit, a habit of self-inflicted.

Impetuous or had, this is not the temperament, and this is to live or to die.

Bought yesterday, installed a new hot water, this morning a as the cool water. With open water bottle ran to the canteen. The boss a look said, bottle broken, their own equipment when PingDan forgot to give the bottle mat plastic mat. Then said I buy a new one. The boss is very surprised to looking at me (I didn't find his trouble), carrying new bottles on the way home, feel oneself "grow up".

Since this year, I have been to the school fence outside with his bicycle play springs cooking. I cycle to, back when put plastic bottles in the car, a hand, a cart. A lot of people see me this clumsy way out the idea of, have to improve. I just laughed. I have been so cart. In fact a bucket of water also but is two yuan money-but I like to come back in two of the landscape and casual way to read what is in the money?

I'm younger, many diseases. Eight years to get into the school,-year-old university just graduate. 28 years old married, 36 years old, so far no cars to the son (school has a car) 80%. I is a step slower than the somebody else, and at every step slowly. And, my school is dirty, from primary school to college without a school is formerly known as the removal and merger-or, or suspension. But I never feel embarrassed, on the contrary, I appreciate the schools and teachers, they gave me the confidence and real life. I BuDa in my life course from the slow and their dull, also BuDa in "has the right to judge of" and "rich" and scorn and a snake. I keep telling myself, I want to be like tiger liuyang if water margin liangshan as a tree, then I wrote a four characters: aboveboard!!!!!

Par omegawatchesforsale le mardi 14 juin 2011


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